Tips to fully enjoy summer.

3 min readJun 27, 2022


We love SUMMER! We spend 9 month dreaming the summer..It’s time to enjoy… The summer season is here….

There is nothing like relaxing by the sea, spending long days reading in the pool, or enjoying the good & hot weather with friends on a terrace. Finally, we are able to spend hours outdoors. From sunrise to sunset, we long to be in the fresh air, enjoying the precious sunshine and warmth..

Now that Summer is here, let’s make sure we make the very most out of this season. Some people feel as though they have to do extravagant things in order to make the most of the summer, however I will share with you a few things that you can do to make the most out of this summer doing simple everyday things..

Do you want to enjoy the summer in all its fullness? Take note of these tips!

During the heaviest solar hours (between 13:00 (1pm) and 16:00 (4pm)), look for shade and protect yourself with sunglasses, cap or hat and a T-shirt. Also, even if you are not going to sunbathe directly, you should not leave home without applying sunscreen.

To help digestion, choose a lighter diet based on foods rich in water, vitamins and minerals. A great option is to choose seasonal fruits and vegetables for our snacks between meals: watermelon, melon, cucumber, nectarines, plums, etc..

Watch a sunrise.

One of the most wonderful ways to begin your day, is to watch a sunrise. Yes, the sun rises early and you may have to make special arrangements to actually be on time to see this spectacular show of nature.

Check out when the sun rises in your area. Grab a coffee (or your favorite morning beverage). Grab a camera or your smart phone. Be ready to experience a magnificent art show in the sky. The reason I suggest this is that there is something so incredible about seeing the beauty of the morning sky painted by the rising of the sun. It gives you an opportunity to see how grand our world is. The vastness of the sky, the morning sun peeking through the horizon, and the parade of color that is exhibited is amazing.

Something about watching a sunrise aligns me with the complexity and simplicity of life at the same time. If you make the extra preparations to watch a sunrise, your day will begin on a fabulous note.

Watch a sunset.

One of the most wonderful ways to ends your day, is to watch a sunset. Check out when the sun sets in your area (The most breathtaking place to watch the sunsets is in the beach). Grab a drink,grab a camera or your smart phone and be ready to experience a magnificent art show in the sky. If you make the extra preparations to watch a sunset, your day will end with a peaceful soul.

Take Photos.

I overheard a young lady saying she needed to get a new phone because her pictures were full on her phone. I had to chuckle to myself. I guess she hadn’t learned how to save and remove her photos. I also thought to myself, wow, she has taken a lot of photos and made a lot of memories.

It is always good to remember the special moments we make each day. How much better when we can have that memory in a photo!

So many hours have gone by just looking at pictures we have taken.Remember when… Oh I remember this day and place.. Laughter fills the air as we sit and giggle over funny expressions, old hairdos, out-of-style glasses and so much more.

Summer is an awesome time to take photos! Now with smartphones it is so much easier than ever to smile, snap and click! :)

Star Gaze

I don’t know all the scientific names and locations of stars and planets in the sky, but I don’t let that get in the way of stargazing. I love gazing into the skies above me and seeing the magnificent display of stars. Laying on a blanket under a starry sky isn’t just romantic, it is also very relaxing. Hot summer nights offer us the opportunity to do this.

“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” Vincent Van Gogh.

This SUMMER, no matter where you are or what you are doing, I wish you sunshine, love and laughter.







Written by Julia

“The sun loves the moon so much that he dies every night to let her breathe, and in return, she reflects his love.” #English #Spanish

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