Who is an influencer?

4 min readAug 29, 2019

Types of influencer

Influencers have a long history in marketing. Initially, companies used compelling figures like celebrities and athletes to help sell their products through television and radio ads. The rise of social media has made other types of influencer more popular. Today, influencers fit into the following categories:

Celebrities: Artists, athletes, and pop culture stars.

Industry experts and thought leaders

Micro-influencers: Individuals with impact on social media

Bloggers and content creators

The bulk of influencer marketing today occurs in social media. Micro-influencers and bloggers are a more cost-effective way to access instant credibility for growing brands.

New tools get the job done. (Hashtags)

Whether you are a business that has already partnered with an influencer looking for the best hashtags to use or are an influencer looking to up your hashtag game, the key is using the proper tools. There are a lot of different resources that will help you improve hashtags, but if you want to change your game, then #Hashtags For Likes is the tool you will want. You know how important hashtags are, but getting them right isn’t always easy. With #Hashtags For Likes, all you have to do is search a hashtag to get analytics and insights that will tell you how well that hashtag will perform. You’ll even get trending suggestions that will help you make posts more relevant.When you use #Hashtags For Likes, you can increase reach, make posts more relevant, better target your audience to plan future posts, and take away the guesswork of ensuring your hashtags are optimized.

6 Tips to Becoming an Instagram Influencer

1. Capitalize on Your Uniqueness

What makes you different than everyone else on this earth? That’s what you need to focus on and be willing to show everyone! This is what makes you special, sets you a part and makes an impact. Maybe you’re a comedian, have a rare condition, or can touch your tongue to your elbow (dare you to try it!)

In a sea of over 400,000,000 Instagram users it’s important that you set yourself apart. Find that uniqueness and FOCUS on it! It may be uncomfortable at first but it’ll be worth it.

2. Don’t Be Shy

Want to become an Instagram Influencer? Well then ditch any insecurities you have and get ready to BARE IT ALL. The most successful Instagram influencers today are the ones that let their audience in. That share all the ups, downs, good’s and bad’s of their lives. By being open, honest and truly yourself, you create a space that makes people comfortable, trusting and happy to connect.

Being an Instagram influencer is all about your relationship with your audience — you have to be able to influence them of course! So by showing the deepest, darkest sides of you and not being shy about it, you create a safe space for people to connect to you, relate to you, and build those impactful relationships needed to be successful in this career.

3. Gary Vaynerchuk says, “document, don’t create”.

As the social media mogul, Gary Vaynerchuk says, “document, don’t create”. When he says this he’s encouraging everything you do to be content for your social media channels. Eating breakfast at a swanky spot? Share it on Instagram Stories! Having a business meeting with a potential client? Record it and turn it into a youtube video! Doing a photoshoot? Share the best images to Instagram and the outtakes to an Instagram story!

4. Choose & Stick to an Aesthetic

A simple idea, yet a difficult task to implement.. Picking an aesthetic and sticking to it can be tough but will be a major key to your success as an Instagram influencer. Having a cohesive feed that guides your audience from one picture to the next is how you keep people on your feed longer and engaging with each and every one of your posts.

5. Invest in a high quality camera or photographer

Having quality images makes all the difference on Instagram. Brands are looking for the best of the best to accurately represent their products, services and locations. Because of this, they’re not likely to work with someone who struggles to capture quality images so you definitely need to make this a priority!

6. Make yourself available for sponsorships & collaborations

Make sure you have your email listed in your bio and are prepared to provide social stats to any company that might reach out to you. Things like follower growth, engagement rate, clicks on your link and monthly website traffic are all things brands might be curious about. You can add all the insights you have into a media kit to easily show off how awesome you are!

Are you ready to be an influencer?





“The sun loves the moon so much that he dies every night to let her breathe, and in return, she reflects his love.” #English #Spanish